Lately I have been near the epicenter of debates involving game systems, be they the newest version of D&D as compared to the previous one or the various merits of the current video game system. So I'll state my thoughts here on what I think of all of them.
On the D&D frontier, I personally am split on this one. I've played 3.5 ever since I started playing the game so there is some nostalgia there. On the other hand 4e makes everything so much easier to understand and the PCs either more heroic or more evil through more power. I personally haven't had much of a chance to actually play 4e outside of DMing and have thus not been able to really tinker with a working character, outside of one battle and a few injections of a NPC into the game world I haven't even had a real chance to ever play the game. So I won't be able to voice which one I prefer until I've had a real chance to play it. But my initial thoughts are that the new system is at least as much fun as the old one.
On the almost completely opposite side of the spectrum are the video game consoles. This one has been fought over on nearly every forum in existence. Well when the newest set of consoles dropped I had very little money and thus ended up buying a Wii, though I am not saying that if I had the money at the time I would have bought one of the other systems. Recently I received enough money to buy an Xbox 360 elite bundle pack thing. This piece of equipment has so far been worth the money I spent on it, though the only games I've played have been Lego Indiana Jones, Call of Duty 4 and Fallout 3 (more on those in a later review post.) My few paltry experiences with my newest system have definitely been more fun than almost any game on the Wii. The 3rd system in this generation the PS3 is the one that I am honestly looking forward to buying. The system has had games on it from serieses that I love almost since it dropped. So I'll be buying one when I get the money. So onto my thoughts of the console war. The biggest one being: they are all good in their niche. The Wii speaks to casual gamers, the Xbox to people who are willing to deal with an arsenal of FPSes to get to the good games, and the PS3 to those who have always enjoyed the way Sony's systems have worked. I'll probably give a better view on it once I get a PS3 but for now these are my preliminary thoughts.
I would HEAVILY recommend playing Mass Effect - it's one of the best games I have ever played (along with Fallout 3.) Prototype is also heavily recommended if you like sandbox-type games that allow you to do anything with a kickass character...(prolly contains the best anti-hero I have seen since Kain in the LoK series.)
I forgot - I would also play Fable 2. It's one of the best RPGs on the system - or any system really (IMHO second only to games made by Bethesda.)